Forestry's squeezer is unable to process Extra Bee's propolis after a server restart

Issue #314 resolved
Utoc created an issue

Good day! I have come across an issue which may be because of order of mods loading but I'm not entirely sure. I am having an issue where ExtraBees propolis like Oily and Petrolium.. if you place a new squeezer down, they are able to process them correctly and you're given 500mb of Oil/Gasoline. However, if the squeezers are processing any oily/petrolium propolis and the server restarts, after the restart the squeezers are unable to continue processing any oil or petrolium propolis.. you get the message "No Tank Space" while the tank is definitely empty. The only workaround to this is breaking and replacing the squeezer.

If this needs to be posted to Forestry instead, let me know. I've attached a couple screenshots incase my words have failed to accurately describe the issue. and

I'm currently running Binnie's 2.0-pre14, Forestry with FML 1448. If there is anything I've left out, please berate me as necessary. Thanks!

Comments (5)

  1. Utoc reporter

    I'm about to try it but I have some information that may help. I am running PneumaticCraft with Buildcraft. PneumaticCraft takes over the liquid:oil and liquid:fuel (which are the two things that I'm squeezing). I had an issue with bdew's Advanced Generator being unable to accept liquid:fuel.. he ended up making a change in his code to (if I understand correctly) wait for BC and PneumaticCraft to finish loading before adding his recipe to accept liquid:fuel. I'll try the new version of Forestry and report back if it worked or not.

  2. Utoc reporter

    I think I may have some world corruption here. I mistakenly deleted my test server (which is a mirror of the live server I use) world files so I decided to start fresh. The fresh server does NOT exhibit this bug with oily and petrolium propolis at all even using the older version of forestry. I'm not sure what to make of it so I'd like to put this issue on pause for a few days to see if I can trigger it any other way. Sorry to bug you guys unnecessarily, if you don't mind I will close the issue by Friday if I cannot reproduce it.

  3. Utoc reporter

    I'm going to ask this issue be closed. I believe its caused by a fluid registry issue that ExtraBees is not directly a part of. Thanks for checking into it.

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