Compatibility with forge-

Issue #316 invalid
Draconian Beryl created an issue

I've been experimenting with modpack creation and I get a crash on startup whenever I use forge version or more recent.

cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: cpw/mods/fml/common/network/IPacketHandler

This is thrown by all three of BinnieCore, ExtraBees, and ExtraTrees.

You can see my full log at

I got this using the Curse Voice Minecraft plugin, creating a custom modpack, and adding both Forestry and BInnie's Mods.

Thanks, Draconian Beryl

Comments (2)

  1. Draconian Beryl reporter

    I'm not sure exactly what I was looking at before, and why I thought I had it working with forge 1470, but I've since figured out that this is a completely invalid report.

    I'll open a new one (if necessary) once I figure things out.

    Sorry about that.

  2. Draconian Beryl reporter

    I just figured out what was going on.

    Using the Curse Voice Minecraft plugin if you just click "install" for Binnie's Mods it will install a 1.8.0 build on the Minecraft 1.7.10 profile, even though it doesn't show that build when you look at the versions of Binnie's Mods.

    If I explicitly install the latest 1.7.10 build I'm fine.

    So definitely an invalid report and sorry for any confusion I might have caused.


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