Some incompatibility with Modular Powersuits

Issue #335 new
Former user created an issue

There is a mod, called Modular Powersuits[1]

In short - it's about modular armor and tool. There is a thing from this mod, called Power Fist, which can behave as axe, pickaxe, forestry scoop and so on. It's highly configurable - tool strength depends on power consumption and can be adjusted.

That's an intro. Now - issue.

Power fist with Axe module in it can chop down vanilla trees, Forestry trees and Biome's o Plenty trees without any issues. But with trees from Binnie mods - it's speed is equal to cutting tree with bare hand, which is odd.

I suggest(can not look into sources for obvious reasons) that wood objects from your mod itself checks if the tool, that cutting in is a child class of some axe.

Power Fist is obviously not, see sources[2][3]

Trying to cut trees from Binnie mods with vanilla axes, thaumcraft axes or omnitool from Electro-Magic tools - no issues. All of this tools are designed as child classes that inherits some axe class(mostly iron axe, but it varies).

Issue is reproducable in binnie-mods-2.0-pre14 But it presents in pre6 and pre10 as well, so that's a not recent regression.

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