Sequencing not netting an update to the Genebank

Issue #77 resolved
Former user created an issue

After watching Binnie's tutorial on how Genetics should work, we are unable to net an update to the Genebank after sequencing a 'Very Strong' DNA sample (resulting from multiple Polymeriser runs). A loaded sequence with a very strong sample is loaded into the Sequencer and the Sequencer runs its course, but results only in a blank sequence and no updates to the Genebank. This could easily be a PEBCAK issue (problem exists between chair and keyboard) or it could be a bug. Some guidance would be appreciated so we don't drive ourselves crazy trying to figure it out. We've run approximately 50 samples through the sequencer thinking there was only a chance at netting a gene, but aren't quite sure anymore if it's our process or if it's a bug in the mod. I should also clarify that the samples have been Analyzed, Isolated, and Polymerized prior to Sequencing. Our only resource seems to be the Binnie interview/tutorial.

Comments (7)

  1. Prometheus0000

    I've had the same problem as well, and I believe that the problem is that Magic Bees hasn't added genes to the new gene bank. I looked through the Master Gene Database, and couldn't find a gene for the Oblivion bee that I had troubles with. Assumedly, any mod that isn't Forestry or Extra Bees needs to do something to add it's genes in the new way.

  2. Alex Binnie repo owner

    Are you the person who placed the sequencer? The sequencer logs its discoveries to the person who placed the machine. Also, species genes from other mods should not be an issue. Genes involved in other things such as speed etc. however will not work without modification

  3. mrgraphic

    I noticed that some ( non hive ones ) species from MagicBees can't be sequenced. They can be isolated but after sequencing they are not stored in GeneDataBank. Tried creative one and those are not present here nor in NEI's vial list.

  4. huttup

    Same issue here, an example would be the Spiteful bee. No problem Isolating it, but there is no serum in NEI.

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