Genes and Discovers not saving

Issue #82 resolved
gustavo wizard created an issue

Hello Binnie, 1st of all great mod, really one of the BEST mods i ever saw...

Ok the bug im having here is that my discovers and genes vanish after i exit the game and enter again, so since we lose the gene after the machine finish code it, the mod is pretty much only creative now

Comments (4)

  1. gustavo wizard reporter

    version is dev5, also i notice all my achvments reset, the thing is now i cant say if its your mod bugging or forge (using last version 1231) but was happening on 1225 too so again...

  2. Alex Binnie repo owner

    Have you checked the logs for any errors due to saving worlds or the like? Or prehaps you are changing your username each time. Your discoveries are linked to the world and your username

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