Crash (suspected EB): PermGen Space

Issue #164 resolved
Alex Wolfe created an issue

Crash Log (specific error, full log too long to pastebin):

Can provide full log if requested- will have to be fragmented into parts or a download file though.

I suspect that this is an EB thing, as it's only ever occurred with EB machines. If it's not EB's fault, then let me know and I'll see if there are other common threads to this mysterious issue.

P.S. Pardon the pun there MysteriousAges. I couldn't help it :P

EDIT: ExtraBees Version for 1.4.7 in case it helps :)

Comments (5)

  1. Alex Wolfe reporter

    I posted it here as it SEEMED like your mod was causing it- I crashed every time I opened one of your blocks. HOWEVER- I bumped up the memory of my system yesterday and haven't got the crash yet- so it might have just've been that. Closing issue. :)

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