Duplication bug (Analyzer > wooden bc + autarchic > Indexer)

Issue #165 resolved
rational Ogre created an issue

Was testing something out for a build I'm working on. Planned to have an Analyzer pre-analyze drones and dump them into an Indexer using an Autarchic gate + wood pipe combo.

What happens is if I put a stack of multiple bees (say 3) into the analyzer it sucks it in and begins analyzing them as a stack. When the stack has been analyzed it dumps them out into the output slot of the Analyzer which then gets pulled by the autarchic+wood pipe. However when it goes to insert the bees into the indexer the indexer pulls the full stack size in AND spits the stack size - 1 onto the ground behind it.

Tested it with vanilla chests, Iron chests, etc. This only seems to happen with the indexer. This may be a buildcraft or forestry issue as the autarchic isn't supposed to pull out a full stack at once. I was unsure and figured since the issue seems to be triggering on only the indexer you would be the best person to bring it to.

Comments (6)

  1. Alex Wolfe

    My first thing I'd say is that the analyser (as far as I know) shouldn't analyse stacks at a time. Then I'd say this is an indexer issue. It seems to be rather buggy in general. Hmm...

  2. rational Ogre reporter

    I had wondered about it being an issue with the bee stacking code. It seems to act "odd" from time to time. Both the Analyzer and Beealyzer are presently analyzing stacks for the same cost as doing a single bee.

  3. rational Ogre reporter

    It also seems the Analyzer has an issue with being handed stacks. I just fed it a 15 stack of commons and a 20 stack of cultivated and it merged them into a 35 stack of commons. I'll report it to Sengir as well. The point is, this might be some weird interplay between the mods.

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