Some Serum Types are Unavailable

Issue #166 resolved
zarevak created an issue

It appears it is not possible to acquire Flowering serums for faster types then Slow (only Slowest, Slower and Slow beeing avalable even when Industrious bees have Fast Pollination)

I know getting the Pollination serum is rare, but even after killing stacks of bees in Isolator with faster then Slow pollinations I did not get any.

BTW: in the Apiarist Databank the Flowering attribute is empty for all bees, while all other attributes are displayed - can it be connected to the same bug?

(I'm using ExtraBees and Forestry in Minecraft 1.4.7 with Forge

Comments (4)

  1. artforz

    Cheated and looked at the code... yeah. You can get slowest, slower, slow and maximum pollination, can't get average/fast/faster/fastest.

    You also can't get a shorter lifespan serum.

    On the database... yep, it's not setting pageSpeciesGenome_FloweringText anywhere. There's also a small logic error and typo for lifespans there. database shortest = forestry shorter, database shorted = forestry shortest

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