Input to Isolator

Issue #193 resolved
Former user created an issue


1) Direct Input from machine like PoweredFurnace(ThermalExpansion) or Relay (RedPower2) from any side into a Isolator that is empty and has no work to do nor is doing anything results in item deletion ( f.e. Empty vial freshly cooked from P.Furnace). However, if the Isolator is in middle of a task or is has work to do (f.e. bee is present, lack of vial) it will not delete the incoming Empty Vial.

2) Using Pneumatic Tubes(RP2) or Buildcraft pipes on Isolator to supply Empty Vials is broken - Isolator will not accept more than 1 vial and 1 vial only unless it's used up. Despite user can manually put full stack into the slot

Extra-Bees Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.4.7 RedPower 2.0pr6 Buildcraft 3.4.3 Minecraft 1.4.7

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