Acclimatiser crashes

Issue #219 duplicate
KitsuneNoYomeiri NA created an issue

I hooked up an Acclimatiser to my buildcraft power system(TE conduits and cells), gave it a Wintry bee and some sand to play with (Alpine and Savannah is all I have close by) and I'm assuming when it would "succeed" it crashes, as it's a random bit of time after I drop them in.

I'm going to try this with other bees and other items to check for similarities.

Edit: With a Modest bee and water capsules, the same crash happens.

Comments (4)

  1. KitsuneNoYomeiri NA reporter

    Strange how mine gets the 'duplicate' flag but was here first. Huh. Whatever, I don't really care. I'd just like a fix x.x

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