Extra bee machines printing "[STDOUT] 0" continually .

Issue #241 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am currently using 1.6 pre6 for my 1.5.1 server so if this issue is fixed in a newer version sorry for bringing it up. I haven't found this as being fixed anywhere so I thought i might just bring it to your attention.

Anyway after having [STDOUT] 0 being printed out a million times on the log files and after a lot of time trying to find the problem, i accidentally found that it was the extra bee machines. I have tested about every one of them and they all cause the problem. I did some more testing to try and help with this and I found the problem only happened when the machine was requesting power. I also see that for some reason they don't completely fill up their internal buffer even when there is more power in the system. It isn't cause by the type of pipe either. So from what i can tell it has something to do with power. If there is anything else i can do to help let me know because I still have the setup and can replicate it if needed.

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