genepool eating piped in bees - 1.7.0b

Issue #269 resolved
Angus Mezick created an issue

I have a genepool being fed by a BC pipe network. I am using an insertion pipe on top of the genepool. When the genepool is empty the bees enter the machine and then vanish! This does not happen if there are already some bees in the machine

This is 1.7.0b downloads Jul 12 2013 - 2:30 pm EST

Comments (6)

  1. Angus Mezick reporter

    yes, it is an insertion pipes from thermal expansion. I am using 0.8 of the 152ngt FTB pack

    I upgraded the pack the the latest versions of extra bees and forestry.

  2. Angus Mezick reporter

    Tested, this is a bug with the TE insert pipe until they prove otherwise. The ABO insertion pipe works just fine.

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