[1.7.3b] Serums don't act correctly with diamond pipes and gates

Issue #287 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, I'm trying to fully automate the process of inoculating bees and refilling serums. While in this proccess, I found a quite interesting bug. When you put a full, excelent quality serum (let's say, fastest productivity) in a diamond pipe in order to sort them, every serum will go through that side of the pipe.

I tried to find what the problem is, and I think I have a clue. When you try to set a diamond gate to Items in Inventory - Fastest Productivity Serum => Redstone signal, and you put the serum in the slot, the "phantom item" in the gate turns into a corrupted serum. It briefly stays as the correct serum, but in a blink it turns into a corrupted one.

Also it would rock if you add an "empy serum" conditional to inoculators. Adding that would imply fully automation for serums, since the "Is Not Working" conditional does nothing.

Hope this helps.

Comments (2)

  1. Daniel Salas

    Hi, I'm the same guy. I just downloaded the new version of the mod, and I have to thank for adding the empty serum conditional.

    Sadly, diamond gates and pipes are still bugged: you still get a corrupted serum when configuring diamond gates. At least there's some improve: it can distinguish between how charged the serum is. It won't distinguish quality nor serum type.

  2. Alex Binnie repo owner

    I believe this is because diamond pipes don't use NBT, hence why there is a special apiarist pipe for bees. I may in the future add a diamond pipes for serums to fix this

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