Always crash with ID conflict

Issue #289 resolved
Former user created an issue

Y U NO use configs? An ID conflict is the most common and the easiest to solve "bug". But only with configs! The game crashed while launching, I saw it's an ID conflict, so I removed some mods because I though Forge's smart config system would rearrange the IDs. Bu then it crashed again so I decided to look at the config itself, only to find out that THERE ISN'T ONE!

Comments (2)

  1. FireGeggo

    Forge auto assign seems to want to give extrabees and IC2 the same blockrange, had the same issue.

    However you can just locate the 2 config files under config\forestry\extrabees and chance the id's there.

    both files were generated even though the game crashes, failing to locate those you can always change the ic2 config which is at the root of the config folder.

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