Missing bee species

Issue #294 resolved
Daniel Salas created an issue

Hi, I'm on the quest of getting every single bee species, and I found there might be 3 of them that are impossible to get.

The first one is Decomposing. This one appears on NEI. According to the wiki, it mutates from Gnawing (http://wiki.feed-the-beast.com/Gnawing_Bee). Being this the second that is impossible. It doesn't appear on NEI either, and it won't mutate using a nether star.

The third one is Preserved (http://wiki.feed-the-beast.com/Preserved_Bee). It's not in NEI and it won't mutate either. Also I think it was actually obtainable a few versions back, since I built a place for it, but I'm not sure.

These 3 bees are actually in the game and you can get them using the imprinter. But the Omega, Marble and "Gregtech" branches are also there (I'm using the FTB Unleashed pack), so I don't know if you hid these species on purpose, or if this is just a minor bug.

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