Gregtech picks up a recipe error in Extra Bees and provides ugly hotfix

Issue #312 resolved
ThePilch created an issue

This is my first ever bugreport, go easy on me and i hope i gave you all you need!

Am running 1.6.4 on forge 965, with IC2 2.0.354 and gregtech 4.0.7g, forestry A- This error has occured in Extra Bees 1.8dev2 and now 1.8pre-1, with many different versions of gregtech (i started with 4.0.4 and it hasn't gone away).

When the server loads, as it loads in the Extra Bee Recipies, gregtech spots an error in how Extra Bees creates the dusts from grains and "hotfixes" it. This creates a huge amount of GT-ERR-01 in the logs, and when i try and create an item from grains (such as iron dust), instead i get an item called GT-ERR-01 that acts like iron dust (i can break it into tiny piles and remake it back to actual iron dust).

The logs in gregtech provide the reason why there's an error, and also suggests what i should do to resolve it. I did a bit of research but it's beyond me, something about the recipie calling the item instead of calling the value? My understanding of coding is printf "hello world" so i have no idea :P

Hope this helps, thank you all for making an amazing mod :) Richard

Comments (2)

  1. ThePilch reporter


    Also i cannot create the gregtech bees, although gregtech is installed. I think the check for gregtech isn't returning the right answer?

    Thanks, Richard

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