New Bees

Issue #95 resolved
Mortvana NA created an issue

I think adding bees that make saltpeter, maybe charcoal dust, and possibly ghast tears [very high tier with %25 per comb] would be a good idea, but your the expert, you would know more about balancing than I do, but saltpeter bees do sound like a good idea at least.

Comments (9)

  1. Alex Binnie repo owner

    All good ideas :)

    Saltpeter - What mod, if it adds this via the ore dictionary I will. I've recently added sulphur

    Charcoal Dust - Is it really any different from coal dust?

    Ghast Tears - Good idea for some kind of 'haunted' branch

  2. Mortvana NA reporter

    -Saltpeter= GregTech and RailCraft [either way], I got the idea from you adding Sulfur from RailCraft. -Charcoal Dust is less useful then Coal Dust, only usable for Gunpowder [RC], Solar Panels[CD], and Single-Use Batteries[CD], [is from RailCraft or RichardG's Charcoal dust IC2 addon], same reason for this idea as above, maybe a prerequisite for Fossilized Bees. -Volcanic+Creepy= Ghast Bee [or what ever] -QuickSilver, Shard, and Amber[TC3] bees would be cool too.

  3. Mykola Labach

    Remember, Thaumic Bees mod already adds amber, quicksilver, zombie brains, and a host of other bees to the game.

  4. Mortvana NA reporter

    This was before I knew about Thaumic Bees, and none of the item you listed can be gotten using thaumic bees

  5. Mykola Labach

    my mistake. I was reading from a list on the forums on what the backpacks will hold and my tired ass brain mixed it up with a bee products line.

  6. Mortvana NA reporter

    @Vexatos Necropost much? Extra Bees has Saltpeter bees now, and I posted this BEFORE Thaumic Bees even existed, let alone became Magic Bees, and as RG discontinued the Charcoal Dust addon for IC2, charcoal dust is useless, but Mystnhasn't added Amber or Mercury/Quicksilver Bees to Magic Bees yet.

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