Extra-Trees Config

Issue #14 resolved
Trey Travis created an issue

When using Mine Factory Reloaded and Extra Trees together, the configs are conflicting and not changing so instead of getting turpentine when squeezing spruce wood I get "Factory Machine Block" and when I put it in a capsule it turns into a "Safari Net (Reusable)" and if you put it in a still you will get the turpentine in a bucket but put it in with bees wax and you get a "Growth Syringe"

As stated in the comments of this I could normally go into the config to change the conflicting IDs, however, when I go into the config for Extra-Trees Wood Polish and what not is not listed as an optional change of ID

Comments (9)

  1. Trey Travis reporter

    while normally i would agree, i looked in the config for extra trees, it doesn't show them, just them main ones.

  2. Trey Travis reporter

    not to mention the number of mods present is enormous. most mods now present an auto ID conflict finder and changes it

  3. MrPeach774

    okay you know which ids are conflicting. this isn't a bug. you have to go in NEI and click id settings then dump unused ids and copy some unused ids to your extra trees config. also lower the status to minor this is not a bug. Also you can edit your post instead of posting more and most mods DON'T have an auto id conflict resolver.

  4. Trey Travis reporter

    like I said earlier, I looked in the Extra-Trees Config and and Wood Polish and such is not listed as something I can change, and I have looked most major mods do.

  5. Trey Travis reporter

    I just independently fixed it. However, I do think the items like the Wood Polish and whatnot need to be listed individually on the Config

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