Crash with Binnie-Mods 1.7.0

Issue #2 resolved
Nathan 1852 created an issue

I got this Crash while adding Binnie-Mods 1.7.0 to my Minecraft

Comments (2)

  1. emberstorm76

    Same crash here.

    java.lang.NullPointerException at binnie.extratrees.block.ModuleBlocks.postInit( at binnie.core.plugin.ForestryBinniePlugin.postInit( at forestry.core.ForestryCore.postInit( at forestry.core.ForestryClient.postInit( at forestry.Forestry.postInit( ....

    Using the last version of Forestry ( I can provide a complete error log with pastebin if you want, even if it's basically the same thing happening.

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