Register the language in a not common way.

Issue #25 new
crafteverywhere created an issue

For now I know that the binnie mods do not support the localization system,and we always try to use a mod called molanguage instead of that.

How this mod works like? If a mod register the langugae by the common method addname(),Molanguage can export the language to a file and import the language form some files in a folder created by Molanguage. U can mark the language files in a special language by the first line,for example,if the first line is #en_US,the mod will try to load those files when using the defalut language. The latest version of Molang eve can download the langugae files from a modwiki site automatically based on checking the modid.(For now we only have some language for Chinese since we are from China.) If you have interest on this,can check here:

But the problem is that I found that the binnie's mod dont register most of the blocks and items in the method we need. Could u consider register the language in a more common way or add the localizaton sys for the binnie's mod?

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