Automating Frame Housing issue 1.7.1

Issue #33 resolved
Rathan77 created an issue

Version 1.7.1

Can't place a frame into frame housing, only shift-click from inventory works (not sure if this was the case pre 1.7.1)

Currently have AE Basic Export Bus set up to export impregnated fames into frame houseing, stock of 200+ frames in system vanished very quickly but no frames actually land in the Frame Housings, this was all working fine before 1.7.1

Did break/replace Frame houseing and other involved blocks, created new frames etc inace it was just an Mod update issue, but without any luck

Comments (3)

  1. Fey142

    Same problem... tried using logistics pipes (supplier pipe) and AE export buses and the item still disappears after it lands inside the frame housing. If you pipe them in uing the insertion pipe, it lands properly.

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