Ruby Comb and other

Issue #42 resolved
Smire created an issue

In version 1.72 and 1.71 the comb don't produce ruby fragment. In version 1.7.0b it's works.

Apparently it's the same for titanium, zinc, and tungsten

Comments (8)

  1. Smire reporter
    • changed status to open

    it does not seem to work. Ruby comb doesn't appear in nei. And comb don't give ruby fragment. (1.7.3b)

  2. Artem Makhirev

    Same happened to sapphire and lapis fragments. Not shown in NEI, also, no production in fact.

  3. domi1819

    Everything works for me (using 1.7.3b) when renaming the mod package so that it gets loaded after all the other mods (like

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