Extra Bees hang MC during loading

Issue #60 resolved
Otakar křížek created an issue

If I add mod file, my MC hang up during the loading without any error messages. Without mod, everything works fine. This problem exist in both dev version (dev1 and dev2).

Comments (4)

  1. Nintendo1474

    extrabees actually has an id conflict with some ic2-related mods but for some reason it doesnt like to tell forge about it so it just freezes. go into forestry config and then into extrabees and change the first 3 ids on both configs. i set them to 3994 through 3999.

  2. Otakar křížek reporter

    Thank you, that solve my problem. Theese conflicts exist between extrabees and IC2. I tried to simulate similar conflicts between extrabees and mystcraft and between IC2 and mystcraft and both cases threw messages about conflict. So i don't know if this bug is on Extra Bees or on IC2 side,

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