grunt 0.4.x support

Issue #2 resolved
Paweł Iwaszko created an issue

Hi there,

not sure if you still maintain this project but I'd appreciate a support for grunt 0.4.

It should be as easy as replacing grunt.registerHelper with regular js function (see:

Comments (4)

  1. Paweł Iwaszko reporter

    I guess I should have mentioned that on our grunt 0.4.1 it throws:

    Loading "overlay.js" tasks...ERROR
    >> TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'registerHelper' 
  2. Paweł Iwaszko reporter

    Unfortunately, there's more:

    Warning: Cannot read property 'src' of undefined Use --force to continue.

    and then

    Warning: Object #<Object> has no method 'expandFiles' Use --force to continue.
  3. Ben Conlan repo owner

    Hey Pawel, Sorry for such a long delay, I'll update all the grunt plugins within the week (apologies for the really long delay, been enjoying Portugal for the last 6 months)

  4. Ben Conlan repo owner

    As of version 0.2 grunt 0.4 is supported (this means that is you are using an older version of grunt you will need to stick with the v0.1 series

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