Can't find BLAS/LAPACK when inverting matrix

Issue #106 wontfix
Anubhab Haldar created an issue

CMakeFiles/BlazeUtils.dir/main.cpp.o: In function blaze::getrf(int, int, double*, int, int*, int*)': /usr/local/include/blaze/math/lapack/clapack/getrf.h:176: undefined reference todgetrf_' CMakeFiles/BlazeUtils.dir/main.cpp.o: In function blaze::getri(int, double*, int, int const*, double*, int, int*)': /usr/local/include/blaze/math/lapack/clapack/getri.h:174: undefined reference todgetri_'

This appears to be the error. After a bit of looking around, this appears to be due to a linker error in the BLAS/LAPACK setup. I've tried reinstalling BLAS/LAPACK, and Blaze. I currently have the OpenBLAS and ATLAS BLAS libraries, and Lapack/Lapacke on my system. What would be the way to go about resolving this?

Many thanks.

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Anubhab!

    In order for all LAPACK-based functionality to work you need to link the according LAPACK library. For instance, for GCC and OpenBLAS this works like this:

    g++ ... -lopenblas ...

    For all other compilers it works either equally or similarly. This should resolve the linker error.

    Best regards,


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