Conan package

Issue #145 resolved
Alexander Zaitsev created an issue

Hello, Do you know about Conan? Conan is modern dependency manager for C++. And will be great if your library will be available via package manager for other developers.

Here you can find example, how you can create package for the library.

If you have any questions, just ask :-)

Comments (6)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Alexander!

    I know about Conan and I even had the opportunity to prepare a Conan recipe for Blaze at this year's Meeting C++:

    from conans import ConanFile, tools
    import os
    class BlazeConan(ConanFile):
        name = "blaze"
        version = "3.2"
        # No settings/options are necessary, this is header only
        def source(self):
  "git clone")
  "cd blaze && git checkout v%s" % self.version)
        def package(self):
            self.copy("*.h", src="blaze", dst="include")

    Unfortunately I didn't have the time to finish this issue. However, I still plan to submit the recipe. Thanks for the reminder!

    As this is clearly not a bug, but a feature request, I will change the type of this issue to 'proposal'.

    Best regards,


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