Is there a blaze discussion forum?

Issue #170 new
Christian Henning created an issue

As far as I can tell there is no mention of a discussion forum mentioned on blaze's wiki or anywhere else? Where can people ask a question?

If there is none, that's fine. But wouldn't it make sense to mention that in the wiki? Also, is stackoverflow watched by the team?

Thanks! And this is the lowest priority imaginable. :-)

Comments (3)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Christian!

    You are correct, at the moment there is no official Blaze forum. There was a Blaze Forum when Blaze was still hosted at Google Code, but unfortunately this forum was not used by many Blaze users, so we don't promote it anymore. Still, you might use it for now to post questions until we have set up a new forum.

    The idea to invest some time to set up a new forum is reasonable, though. Thus we will keep this issue open as a reminder to take care of setting up a new forum. Thanks for creating the issue,

    Best regards,


  2. Christian Henning reporter

    Hi Klaus,

    thanks for your answer. If I may make a suggestion. Gitter is a very nice and good looking integrated chat solution. Here is one example

    It also integrates very nicely with github.

    Regards, Christian

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