Blaze + CUDA Thrust compilation error (MSVC)

Issue #182 duplicate
Дмитрий Бобровский created an issue


I try to create project with Blaze + Thrust code (CUDA). So, pure Blaze code compiles well. Also (amazing!) this code also compiles (with light magic - static_assert commenting in for_each.h generic). But when I try to create CUDA 9.2 Runtime project and compile it, I get errors in, for example, DMatDMatMapExpr.h in the code part:

struct UseSIMDEnabledFlag { enum : bool { value = OP::BLAZE_TEMPLATE simdEnabled<ET1,ET2>() }; };

Errors in this part of code: 1) type name is not allowed 2) expected a "}"

Also the same: struct UseSIMDEnabledFlag { enum : bool { value = OP::BLAZE_TEMPLATE simdEnabled<ET>() }; };

Errors in this part of code: 1) type name is not allowed 2) expected an expression

Total error's list: 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/sparse/CompressedMatrix.h(295): warning : invalid friend declaration 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/sparse/CompressedMatrix.h(3058): warning : invalid friend declaration 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/sparse/CompressedVector.h(273): warning : invalid friend declaration 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DMatDMatMapExpr.h(167): error : type name is not allowed 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DMatDMatMapExpr.h(167): error : expected a "}" 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DMatMapExpr.h(163): error : type name is not allowed 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DMatMapExpr.h(163): error : expected an expression 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DMatNormExpr.h(116): error : type name is not allowed 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DMatNormExpr.h(116): error : expected an expression 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DVecDVecMapExpr.h(159): error : type name is not allowed 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DVecDVecMapExpr.h(159): error : expected a "}" 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DVecMapExpr.h(153): error : type name is not allowed 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DVecMapExpr.h(153): error : expected an expression 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DVecNormExpr.h(117): error : type name is not allowed 1>C:\local\Libs\blazeLib\blaze/math/expressions/DVecNormExpr.h(117): error : expected an expression

Does Blaze supports CUDA well or not?

I've attached zip of project with errors.

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Dmitrii!

    Blaze currently doesn't provide support for CUDA and GPU computing. Adding support for CUDA is currently an open issue (see issue #116) and unfortunately we don't have any news when the feature will finally be available. Thanks for creating the issue in support of this feature,

    Best regards,


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