TU Compilation

Issue #196 wontfix
Jayesh Badwaik created an issue


I came across this bug when I was trying to use my code completion engines with blaze. I noticed that code completion would basically show weird errors. However, the code actually compiled fine.

In my effort to get to a minimal test case, the link is what I got. While it is not a deal-breaking in writing code, it is a deal breaker with sharing code on CE and also code completer.

Just wondered if anyone had noticed it.

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Jayesh!

    Thanks for pointing out this problem. It is caused by the time limit that Compiler Explorer sets for the compilation process (see lower right window). This time limit is set very low in order to prevent long running compilations, which would significantly affect the costs of Compiler Explorer, which is hosted in the Amazon cloud.

    A solution is to not include the entire Blaze library via <blaze/Blaze.h> (which pulls in an enormous amount of code), but only the specific features you need. For instance, in case you want to use DynamicVector, you can include <blaze/math/DynamicVector.h> (as it is also documented in the wiki). This will reduce the compilation times such that compilation can finish (see for instance https://godbolt.org/z/bFZANI).

    I hope this helps. Thanks again for pointing this out,

    Best regards,


  2. Jayesh Badwaik reporter

    Ohh yes, I realized this after included StaticVector.h. Seems like my code completion problems are elsewhere. Thank you for your response though.

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