Introduce custom vectors for existing chunks of memory into Blaze

Issue #23 resolved
Klaus Iglberger created an issue


In many applications users have to manually allocate and manage vector-like data structures. It would be very convenient to be able to directly interface them with Blaze. However, currently it is not possible to use these chunks of memory directly within Blaze, but it is necessary to copy them to Blaze data structures (such as DynamicVector). The Blaze library should provide an API for constructing vectors, which represent these chunks of memory and thus enable to perform linear algebra computations on them as if they were native Blaze data structures.

Conceptual Example

using blaze::aligned;       // Alignment flag for aligned vectors
using blaze::unaligned;     // Alignment flag for unaligned vectors
using blaze::padded;        // Flag for padded vectors
using blaze::unpadded;      // Flag for unpadded vectors
using blaze::columnVector;  // Flag for column vectors

int* unalignedArray = new int[size];
int* alignedArray = blaze::allocate<int>( size + padding );

// Instantiate a vector to represent the first array of integer elements. Via template
// parameter it is specified that the array does neither provide specific alignment
// nor is padded. Note that the vector will NOT take ownership of the memory resource!
blaze::CustomVector<int,unaligned,unpadded,columnVector> a( unalignedArray, size );

// Instantiate a vector to represent the second array of integer elements. Via template
// parameter it is specified that the array is both aligned and padded. Also, the vector
// takes ownership and uses the given deleter to dispose of the memory resource.
blaze::CustomVector<int,aligned,padded,columnVector> b( alignedArray, size, size + padding, blaze::Deallocate() );

// Instantiate a native Blaze data structure
blaze::DynamicVector<int,columnVector> c;

// Performing a vector addition
c = a + b;


  • design an API to allow to use chunks of memory as native Blaze vectors
  • design the API such that user can pass ownership to a chunk of memory
  • implement the necessary functionality
  • provide a full documentation of the feature
  • ensure compatibility with all existing vector and matrix classes
  • ensure compatibility with all existing vector and matrix expressions
  • guarantee maximum performance for all operations
  • add the necessary number of test cases for the entire functionality

Comments (3)

  1. Klaus Iglberger reporter


    The feature has been implemented, tested, optimized (including vectorization and parallelization) and documented as required. It is immediately available via cloning the Blaze repository and will be officially released in Blaze 2.6.

    The CustomVector Class Template

    The blaze::CustomVector class template provides the functionality to represent an external array of elements of arbitrary type and a fixed size as a native Blaze dense vector data structure. Thus in contrast to all other dense vector types a custom vector does not perform any kind of memory allocation by itself, but it is provided with an existing array of element during construction. A custom vector can therefore be considered an alias to the existing array. It can be included via the header file

    #include <blaze/math/CustomVector.h>

    The type of the elements, the properties of the given array of elements and the transpose flag of the vector can be specified via the following four template parameters:

    template< typename Type, bool AF, bool PF, bool TF >
    class CustomVector;
    • Type : specifies the type of the vector elements. CustomVector can be used with any non-cv-qualified, non-reference, non-pointer element type.
    • AF : specifies whether the represented, external arrays are properly aligned with respect to the available instruction set (SSE, AVX, ...) or not.
    • PF : specified whether the represented, external arrays are properly padded with respect to the available instruction set (SSE, AVX, ...) or not.
    • TF : specifies whether the vector is a row vector (blaze::rowVector) or a column vector (blaze::columnVector). The default value is blaze::columnVector.

    The following examples give an impression of several possible types of custom vectors:

    using blaze::CustomVector;
    using blaze::aligned;
    using blaze::unaligned;
    using blaze::padded;
    using blaze::unpadded;
    // Definition of an unmanaged custom column vector for unaligned, unpadded integer arrays
    typedef CustomVector<int,unaligned,unpadded,columnVector>  UnalignedUnpadded;
    std::vector<int> vec( 7UL );
    UnalignedUnpadded a( &vec[0], 7UL );
    // Definition of a managed custom column vector for unaligned but padded 'float' arrays
    typedef CustomVector<float,unaligned,padded,columnVector>  UnalignedPadded;
    UnalignedPadded b( new float[16], 9UL, 16UL, blaze::ArrayDelete() );
    // Definition of a managed custom row vector for aligned, unpadded 'double' arrays
    typedef CustomVector<double,aligned,unpadded,rowVector>  AlignedUnpadded;
    AlignedUnpadded c( allocate<double>( 7UL ), 7UL, blaze::Deallocate() );
    // Definition of a managed custom row vector for aligned, padded 'complex<double>' arrays
    typedef CustomVector<complex<double>,aligned,padded,columnVector>  AlignedPadded;
    AlignedPadded d( allocate< complex<double> >( 8UL ), 5UL, 8UL, blaze::Deallocate() );

    Special Properties of Custom Vectors

    In comparison with the remaining Blaze dense vector types CustomVector has several special characteristics. All of these result from the fact that a custom vector is not performing any kind of memory allocation, but instead is given an existing array of elements. The following sections discuss all of these characteristics:

    • Memory Management
    • Copy Operations
    • Alignment
    • Padding

    Memory Management

    The CustomVector class template acts as an adaptor for an existing array of elements. As such it provides everything that is required to use the array just like a native Blaze dense vector data structure. However, this flexibility comes with the price that the user of a custom vector is responsible for the resource management.

    When constructing a custom vector there are two choices: Either a user manually manages the array of elements outside the custom vector, or alternatively passes the responsibility for the memory management to an instance of CustomVector. In the second case the CustomVector class employs shared ownership between all copies of the custom vector, which reference the same array.

    The following examples give an impression of several possible types of custom vectors:

    using blaze::CustomVector;
    using blaze::ArrayDelete;
    using blaze::Deallocate;
    using blaze::allocate;
    using blaze::aligned;
    using blaze::unaligned;
    using blaze::padded;
    using blaze::unpadded;
    using blaze::columnVector;
    using blaze::rowVector;
    // Definition of a 3-dimensional custom vector with unaligned, unpadded and externally
    // managed integer array. Note that the std::vector must be guaranteed to outlive the
    // custom vector!
    std::vector<int> vec( 3UL );
    CustomVector<int,unaligned,unpadded> a( &vec[0], 3UL );
    // Definition of a custom row vector with size 3 for unaligned, unpadded integer arrays.
    // The responsibility for the memory management is passed to the custom vector by
    // providing a deleter of type 'blaze::ArrayDelete' that is used during the destruction
    // of the custom vector.
    CustomVector<int,unaligned,unpadded,rowVector> b( new int[3], 3UL, ArrayDelete() );
    // Definition of a custom vector with size 3 and capacity 16 with aligned and padded
    // integer array. The memory management is passed to the custom vector by providing a
    // deleter of type 'blaze::Deallocate'.
    CustomVector<int,aligned,padded> c( allocate<int>( 16UL ), 3UL, 16UL, Deallocate() );

    It is possible to pass any type of deleter to the constructor. The deleter is only required to provide a function call operator that can be passed the pointer to the managed array. As an example the following code snipped shows the implementation of two native Blaze deleters blaze::ArrayDelete and blaze::Deallocate:

    namespace blaze {
    struct ArrayDelete
       template< typename Type >
       inline void operator()( Type ptr ) const { boost::checked_array_delete( ptr ); }
    struct Deallocate
       template< typename Type >
       inline void operator()( Type ptr ) const { deallocate( ptr ); }
    } // namespace blaze

    Copy Operations

    As with all dense vectors it is possible to copy construct a custom vector:

    using blaze::CustomVector;
    using blaze::unaligned;
    using blaze::unpadded;
    typedef CustomVector<int,unaligned,unpadded>  CustomType;
    std::vector<int> vec( 5UL, 10 );  // Vector of 5 integers of the value 10
    CustomType a( &vec[0], 5UL );     // Represent the std::vector as Blaze dense vector
    a[1] = 20;                        // Also modifies the std::vector
    CustomType b( a );  // Creating a copy of vector a
    b[2] = 20;          // Also affect vector a and the std::vector

    It is important to note that a custom vector acts as a reference to the specified array. Thus the result of the copy constructor is a new custom vector that is referencing and representing the same array as the original custom vector. In case a deleter has been provided to the first custom vector, both vectors share the responsibility to destroy the array when the last vector goes out of scope.

    In contrast to copy construction, just as with references, copy assignment does not change which array is referenced by the custom vector, but modifies the values of the array:

    std::vector<int> vec2( 5UL, 4 );  // Vector of 5 integers of the value 4
    CustomType c( &vec2[0], 5UL );    // Represent the std::vector as Blaze dense vector
    a = c;  // Copy assignment: Set all values of vector a and b to 4.


    In case the custom vector is specified as \a aligned the passed array must be guaranteed to be aligned according to the requirements of the used instruction set (SSE, AVX, ...). For instance, if AVX is active an array of integers must be 32-bit aligned:

    using blaze::CustomVector;
    using blaze::Deallocate;
    using blaze::aligned;
    using blaze::unpadded;
    int* array = blaze::allocate<int>( 5UL );  // Needs to be 32-bit aligned
    CustomVector<int,aligned,unpadded> a( array, 5UL, Deallocate() );

    In case the alignment requirements are violated, a \a std::invalid_argument exception is thrown.


    Adding padding elements to the end of an array can have a significant impact on performance. For instance, assuming that AVX is available, then two aligned, padded, 3-dimensional vectors of double precision values can be added via a single intrinsic addition instruction:

    using blaze::CustomVector;
    using blaze::Deallocate;
    using blaze::allocate;
    using blaze::aligned;
    using blaze::padded;
    typedef CustomVector<double,aligned,padded>  CustomType;
    // Creating padded custom vectors of size 3 and a capacity of 4
    CustomType a( allocate<double>( 4UL ), 3UL, 4UL, Deallocate() );
    CustomType b( allocate<double>( 4UL ), 3UL, 4UL, Deallocate() );
    CustomType c( allocate<double>( 4UL ), 3UL, 4UL, Deallocate() );
    // ... Initialization
    c = a + b;  // AVX-based vector addition

    In this example, maximum performance is possible. However, in case no padding elements are inserted, a scalar addition has to be used:

    using blaze::CustomVector;
    using blaze::Deallocate;
    using blaze::allocate;
    using blaze::aligned;
    using blaze::unpadded;
    typedef CustomVector<double,aligned,unpadded>  CustomType;
    // Creating unpadded custom vector of size 3
    CustomType a( allocate<double>( 3UL ), 3UL, Deallocate() );
    CustomType b( allocate<double>( 3UL ), 3UL, Deallocate() );
    CustomType c( allocate<double>( 3UL ), 3UL, Deallocate() );
    // ... Initialization
    c = a + b;  // Scalar vector addition

    Note the different number of constructor parameters for unpadded and padded custom vectors: In contrast to unpadded vectors, where during the construction only the size of the array has to be specified, during the construction of a padded custom vector it is additionally necessary to explicitly specify the capacity of the array.

    The number of padding elements is required to be sufficient with respect to the available instruction set: In case of an aligned padded custom vector the added padding elements must guarantee that the capacity is a multiple of the intrinsic vector width. In case of unaligned padded vectors N-1} additional padding elements are required, where N is the intrinsic vector width. In case the padding is insufficient with respect to the available instruction set, a std::invalid_argument exception is thrown.

    Please also note that Blaze will zero initialize the padding elements in order to achieve maximum performance!

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