Submatrix Column-major Dense Aligned Test

Issue #250 resolved
Bita HashemiNezhad created an issue

Hi Klaus!

I was reading the Blaze source code and I think it’s quite amazing.

Investigating into \blazetest\src\mathtest\submatrix\DenseAlignedTest2.cpp, in line 4338, I think an AOSMT submatrix was meant to use. My suggestion is to change these 2 lines of code:

ASMT sm1 = submatrix<aligned>( mat1_, 16UL, 8UL, 32UL, 16UL );
ASMT sm2 = submatrix<aligned>( sm1  , 32UL, 8UL,  8UL,  8UL );


AOSMT sm1 = submatrix<aligned>( tmat1_, 16UL, 8UL, 32UL, 16UL );
AOSMT sm2 = submatrix<aligned>( sm1  , 32UL, 8UL,  8UL,  8UL );

and apply the same changes for the three following try blocks.

Also, I was trying to understand how make_shifted_index_subsequence works (can be found in \blaze\math\IntegerSequence.h). I think in line 237, the total number of indices in the index sequence of the example is 7. So, we should have:

   // Creating the subsequence <3,6,8> from the index sequence <2,3,4,5,6,7,8>
   using Type = make_shifted_index_subsequence<2UL,7UL,1UL,4UL,6UL>;

Thank you,


Comments (4)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Bita!

    Thanks a lot, the help is very much appreciated. The corrections will be part of the next push.

    Best regards,


  2. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Klaus!

    I was reading the Blaze source code and I think it’s quite amazing.

    Investigating into \blazetest\src\mathtest\submatrix\DenseAlignedTest2.cpp, in line 4338, I think an AOSMT submatrix was meant to use. My suggestion is to change these 2 lines of code:

    ASMT sm1 = submatrix<aligned>( mat1_, 16UL, 8UL, 32UL, 16UL );
    ASMT sm2 = submatrix<aligned>( sm1  , 32UL, 8UL,  8UL,  8UL );


    AOSMT sm1 = submatrix<aligned>( tmat1_, 16UL, 8UL, 32UL, 16UL );
    AOSMT sm2 = submatrix<aligned>( sm1  , 32UL, 8UL,  8UL,  8UL );

    and apply the same changes for the three following try blocks.

    Also, I was trying to understand how make_shifted_index_subsequence works (can be found in \blaze\math\IntegerSequence.h). I think in line 237, the total number of indices in the index sequence of the example is 7. So, we should have:

       // Creating the subsequence <3,6,8> from the index sequence <2,3,4,5,6,7,8>
       using Type = make_shifted_index_subsequence<2UL,7UL,1UL,4UL,6UL>;

    Thank you,


  3. Klaus Iglberger

    Commit 5a9597b fixes the errors in the test cases for aligned dense submatrices and commit 39137eb fixes the documentation of the make_shifted_index_subsequence alias declaration. The fixes are immediately available via cloning the Blaze repository and will be officially released in Blaze 3.6.

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