Adding information about blaze development

Issue #272 new
Thorsten Schmitz created an issue


Right now I have no idea what you are planning to do with blaze. I know you are still actively working on it and react fast when it comes to bugfixes. But aside from that I can’t tell much. For example what features you are working on at the moment, or what features you want to add for the next release.

The only way to get some info is this issue board. But Unless you create an issue about what you work on right now or want to work on in the near/far future. It’s also a lot of work to go through all other issues to see what the status is. Whether you want to add it and when, or why not.

I would like to propose adding some kind of roadmap for blaze to this site. I don’t know if these Trello Boards are an option, I don’t know them, but it would be enough to add a section to the wiki, at least for the beginning. Just a simple list would already help.

I believe that this would be helpful for everyone. It would make it much easier to see what users might expect in the future, what is in development, and what will be added. It would also make it less likely to get duplicate issues. And maybe help getting people who do not use blaze interested because they can see more how actively development is.

Another benefit could be that users can give better feedback on what features would be most interesting for them, helping you to decide on priorities. And it could also be useful for getting help by users to implement features for you, something for which we would have to search through the issues to find out right now.

Best regards


Comments (1)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Thorsten!

    Thanks for the suggestion. It would definitely be interesting to have a roadmap at least for the next one or two releases. We will think about how to realize this roadmap without restricting ourselves too much or putting too much burden on ourselves. Till then, you can expect that the feature requests with the most votes, performance problems and everything that will enable you to create custom operations are high on our list. Also, all issue that are in open state are currently under development.

    Best regards,


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