There seems to be a bug in the Wiki page about eigenvalues/eigenvectors

Issue #293 resolved
nanmiao wu created an issue


It seems like a bug in the Wiki page about eigenvalues/eigenvectors, whose link is!eigenvalueseigenvectors.

In the second example, which is about symmetric matrix,

using blaze::SymmetricMatrix;
using blaze::DynamicMatrix;
using blaze::DynamicVector;
using blaze::rowMajor;
using blaze::columnVector;

SymmetricMatrix< DynamicMatrix<double,rowMajor> > A( 5UL, 5UL );  // The symmetric matrix A
// ... Initialization

DynamicVector<double,columnVector> w( 5UL );       // The vector for the real eigenvalues
DynamicMatrix<double,rowMajor>     V( 5UL, 5UL );  // The matrix for the left eigenvectors

eigen( A, w, V );

The line 6 does not work. It works when I change it to:

SymmetricMatrix< DynamicMatrix<double,rowMajor> > A (5UL);



Comments (4)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Nanmiao!

    Thanks a lot for pointing out this issue. You are correct, this is a copy-and-paste error from the previous example. We will fix the error as quickly as possible. Thanks again,

    Best regards,


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