is there any plan to support windows x86

Issue #305 resolved
Anas created an issue


from the documentation I see that win86 is not supported or not tested.

I tried to build blaze on windows x86 myslef. at first it complained about posix_memalign in Memory.h file.

If I replaced this with it’s equivalent from MSVC _aligned_malloc, it’s working and building fine for winx86. but I think even if it build it doesn’t mean it’s gonna work properly.

so my question is there any plan to support win_x86?

Kind Regards,

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Anas!

    There is currently no plan to support Windows x86. We are open for pull requests, though, but would not take the responsibility to guarantee the support.

    Best regards,


  2. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Anas!

    We have updated Blaze to also compile on Win32. We still do not include Win32 in our test environment and we do not provide official support, but it hopefully works just fine. Please give it a try and please feel free to report back to us if you encounter any kind of problems.

    Best regards,


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