Generated Blaze Header Files: Can I copy them?

Issue #318 resolved
Nycholas Maia created an issue

I’m working in a cross-plataform (Windows and Linux) application that have 20 another developers together.

Suposing that only in my local machine I have these 3 Blaze dependecies installed:

  1. A BLAS Library (in my case, Intel MKL)
  3. BOOST Libraries

Now I can use CMake to generate the Blaze headers. Ok!

Can I copy this headers folder and distribute it to my team without these 3 initial dependencies?

Which dependencies the another machine should have to work with the generated Blaze headers?
Only the *.lib or *.a files of MKL and LAPACK?

Another way to ask this question is:

Which dependency files (from these 3 libraries) should I include in my Git repository?
Can my Git project using Blaze become completely independent of installed dependencies?

Thank you,

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Nycholas!

    I can only speak for Blaze and not for any BLAS, LAPACK or Boost library. Blaze itself is not depending on any of these three libraries, i.e. you can use Blaze on its own.

    As the wiki explains here and here you can also provide the necessary Blaze settings via command line. In order to provide the same settings for a team I suggest to setup an according CMake environment for your project (which integrates the Blaze CMakeLists.txt file). In this CMake configuration you can provide the project specific settings, such as defaults, thresholds, and paths. If this is properly integrated into your project repository, then all team members will have access to the same settings and there is no need to copy any configuration files.

    Best regards,


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