Store Blaze Matrix: File Format / API Suggestions

Issue #320 resolved
Nycholas Maia created an issue

My future application will produce a lot of big Blaze matrices and I would like to store these data in a file.

Which are the good options (File Formats, C/C++ API’s) do to that?

I saw this project called H5CPP:

Using HDF5 file format, you can get back some data without need to load the entire file. That’s amazing!

Is there another options?

Comments (1)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Nycholas!

    Blaze provides the functionality to save vectors and matrices in a file (see the wiki). The data is stored in binary format, which you can compress in a separate post processing step. In case you have special requirements, you can of course also use any other library, such as H5CPP.

    Best regards,


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