Benchmarks: LAPACK and BLAS

Issue #321 resolved
Nycholas Maia created an issue

I was reading about the Blaze library performace here in the Wiki and it’s really great.

I would like to know if in this benchmark tests the both Eigen and Blaze were linked with BLAS and LAPACK.

If no, this means that the Blaze and Eigen performace can be higher when linked with BLAS and LAPACK?

Thank you,

Comments (1)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Nycholas!

    I'll try to fill in details about the performance comparison. Eigen is benchmarked with its own matrix multiplication kernel(s) (the preferred mode), Blaze is used in combination with a BLAS library (in this case the MKL; also the preferred mode). However, Blaze switches between its custom kernels for small matrices to the provided BLAS library for large matrices. You can freely configure the threshold for this (see the <blaze/config/Thresholds.h> header).

    Best regards,


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