StaticVector and StaticMatrix noexcept member methods

Issue #323 new
Matthias Moulin created an issue

Is it possible to make the member methods of StaticVector and StaticMatrix explicitly noexcept if applicable for the given type? This can be trivially achieved using <type_traits>. Furthermore, the member methods of the base classes DenseVector, Vector and DenseMatrix, Matrix, respectively can be made explicitly noexcept as well.

This enables defining explicitly noexcept and default default/copy/move constructor and copy/move assignment operators upon inheriting from Blaze StaticVector and StaticMatrix types (as opposed to providing the implementation while forcing noexcept).

Comments (1)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Matthias!

    A more consistent and consequent use of noexcept would be a reasonable enhancement. We’ll see what we can do here. However, please note that both StaticVector and StaticMatrix are not designed as base classes (i.e. they have no virtual destructors and represent a most derived CRTP class). Rather, they are designed as data members.

    Thanks for creating this issue,

    Best regards,


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