Configuration inconsistency between manual install and vcpkg.

Issue #329 resolved
Tim Zimmermann created an issue


I’m not entirely sure if this is the right place to bring this up because blaze’s portfile might be maintained by somebody in the community. If so, let me know and I will open an issue on the vcpkg github page.

That said, the portfile sets blaze’s SMP mode to C++ threads whereas the CMakeList.txt in the blaze repo defaults to OpenMP. Is this difference intentional? Wouldn’t it be better to just fall back to blaze’s default and add configuration changes as options to the portfile?

Anyways, this is a very minor concern but I imagine blaze 3.7 is around the corner it might be worth changing it for the next release.

Thanks for this wonderful library!


Comments (5)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Tim!

    Thanks for pointing out this imperfection. You are correct, there is an inconsistency in the configuration. We’ll fix this in the upcoming release of Blaze 3.7. Thanks,

    Best regards,


  2. Klaus Iglberger

    We have created a pull request to update the Blaze port for vcpkg. As requested in this issue, this pull request also changes the default SMP backend to OpenMP. Once the pull request has been accepted, we’ll resolve this issue.

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