How do I use a derived type inside a function?

Issue #333 wontfix
kyung created an issue

In the following function, I got not 1.0 but “( )” with the line with std::cout.

If I use T(1.0), I got “(-4.8367e-26 )”.

Do I miss something here?

Thanks in advance.

template <typename T>
void somefunction(blaze::Vector<T, blaze::columnVector> &x, const blaze::Vector<T, blaze::columnVector> &y)
    .....(some code)

    blaze::DynamicVector<T> temp(2 * N + 1);
    temp[0] = 1.0;
    std::cout << temp[0];

    .....(some code)    

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Kyung!

    As the wiki explains the Vector class represents the base class for all kinds of vectors in the Blaze library. Vector is a CRTP base class, which means that the type T is the type of the concrete vector (e.g. DynamicVector, StaticVector, ...).

    Considering your code example:

    template< typename T >  // <- This template parameter 'T' represents the concrete type of vector the function accepts
    void somefunction(blaze::Vector<T,blaze::columnVector> &x, const blaze::Vector<T,blaze::columnVector> &y)
       // ...

    Given the following function call ...

    blaze::DynamicVector<int,blaze::columnVector> a{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };  // Create a 5D vector with the values (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    somefunction( a );  // 'T' now represents 'DynamicVector<int,columnVector>'

    ... the template parameter T of the function template now represents the kind of vector, i.e. DynamicVector<int,blaze::columnVector>.

    Assuming that T is DynamicVector, the expression T() creates a new empty vector, and T(1.0) creates an uninitialised dynamic vector of size 1 (hence the single element of value -4.8367e-26).

    If you want to access elements of the given vectors, you have to perform an explicit cast back to the concrete vector type via the tilda operator (i.e. operator~()):

    template< typename T >  // <- This template parameter 'T' represents the concrete type of vector the function accepts
    void somefunction(blaze::Vector<T,blaze::columnVector> &x, const blaze::Vector<T,blaze::columnVector> &y)
       T temp(2*N+1);      // Create another vector of type 'T'
       temp[0] = 1.0;      // Set the element at index 0 to 1.0
       (~x)[0] = (~y)[0];  // Copy an element from y to x

    For further examples, please consult the wiki.

    I hope this resolves your problems. Please feel free to ask additional questions.

    Best regards,


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