Numpy interop

Issue #340 resolved
Feras Salim created an issue

I was wondering if there is any effort into Numpy / Scipy sparse zero copy integration (along the lines of . I couldn’t find any projects providing that and it’s probably a big adoption factor.

Comments (3)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Feras!

    Unfortunately we are not aware of any effort to create a project similar to numpyeigen for Blaze. However, we are always hoping for contributions and new projects for Blaze. We would be very happy if you would step up and start a project yourself. Thanks for the proposal,

    Best regards,


  2. Feras Salim reporter

    Thanks for the quick feedback. Unfortunately I just started exploring the Blaze project as an alternative to the current xtensor code we have, so i’m not qualified enough but if we get the speedups we need from it, I’ll try to look into some basic python integration.

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