Fourier Transform realization for 1D/2D cases

Issue #356 new
Дмитрий Бобровский created an issue


Do you have plans for Discrete Fourier Transform and Convolutions (and other transforms like wavelet transform) realization?

Thank you.

Best regards,

‌ Dmitriy.

Comments (3)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Dmitriy!

    We don’t have plans to write discrete Fourier transformation kernels ourselves, but we are more than happy to accept pull requests for the according kernels and will help to integrate them into Blaze. We would also welcome suggestions on which third party libraries would be suited for integration into Blaze to provide Fourier transformations. Thanks for the proposal,

    Best regards,


  2. Дмитрий Бобровский Account Deactivated reporter

    Hello, Klaus!

    Okay, probably, I’ll realize own part of Fourier or, maybe, adapt some existing libraries.

    Have a good day!


  3. Daniel Baker

    I wrote some type-based wrappers for a library using structured random matrices here you might find helpful. (include/frp/stackstruct.h) There’s RFFTBlock, which performs the r2r transforms, FFTBlock, which performs complex to complex transforms, though currently it only wraps 1D FFTs. apply(Out &) works on any blaze vector, and apply(const In &, Out &) performs similarly but out-of-place.

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