Suggestion: CS[CR] SparseMatrix analogs to CustomMatrix

Issue #361 duplicate
Daniel Baker created an issue


I’ve found many applications involving sparse matrices involving manually-managed CSR format, with the matrix represented by:

  1. indices
  2. indptr
  3. data
  4. shape

indices and indptr are integral, while data is the arithmetic type involved, and shape is the dimensions of the matrix.

I’ve often found myself parsing these into blaze-lib using the append and finalize functions, but it would be really nice to have a CustomSparseMatrix class which takes the required arguments as externally-managed memory, but supporting conversion/multiplication/views.

I understand this is far from a small feature request, but it would add a great deal of flexibility to the library.



Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Daniel!

    Thanks a lot for the proposal. We agree, this would indeed be a very valuable addition to the library.

    Since the feature has already been requested in issue #190, I will mark this issue as duplicate. Still, thanks for the suggestion,

    Best regards,


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