Interested in publishing blaze on conda-forge?

Issue #379 new
Johannes Czech created an issue

Hello @Klaus Iglberger ,

have you considered publishing blaze on conda-forge?

This would ease the installation process of dependencies and give blaze more attention.

For instance we currently use a single line to install all remaining cpp dependencies of our current project:

conda install -c conda-forge z5py xtensor boost nlohmann_json blosc catch2

If you are interested, you find instructions and guidelines here:

Unfortunately, there is already a different package on conda-forge called blaze.

However, you could maybe call it blaze-cpp instead.

Best regards,

~Johannes Czech

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Johannes!

    Thanks for pointing us to conda-forge. We were not aware of this opportunity. We’ll look into adding Blaze to conda-forge. Until then, you can use conan or vcpkg to install Blaze via package manager.

    Best regards,


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