How to run submatrix function in serial?

Issue #390 resolved
Esmail Abdul Fattah created an issue
submatrix(output, 0,0, ind_x, ind_x) = serial(submatrix(input, 0,0, ind_x, ind_x));
    submatrix(output, 0,0, ind_x, ind_x) = submatrix(input, 0,0, ind_x, ind_x);

Both of the above codes didn’t work. Thank you!

Comments (3)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Esmail!

    We checked both code snippet in an OpenMP setting with 4 threads. In both cases the assignment was executed by exactly one thread. Therefore both examples work as expected.

    Could you please be more specific about what doesn’t work? A minimum example with compilation flags and environment settings would help to analyse whether there is a problem. Thanks,

    Best regards,


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