blazetest/run succeeds without running any tests

Issue #398 wontfix
yurivict created an issue

The ‘run’ command succeeds without executables even being present, see the log below.

Please add to README how to run tests.

cd /usr/ports/math/blaze/work/blaze-3.8/blazetest && ./run
 Running mathematical shims tests...
 Running SIMD tests...
 Running BLAS tests...
 Running LAPACK tests...
 Running AddTrait tests...
 Running SubTrait tests...
 Running MultTrait tests...
 Running SchurTrait tests...
 Running CrossTrait tests...
 Running KronTrait tests...
 Running DivTrait tests...
 Running MapTrait tests...
 Running ExpandTrait tests...
 Running ReduceTrait tests...
 Running ExpandTrait tests...
 Running SolveTrait tests...
 Running SubvectorTrait tests...
 Running ElementsTrait tests...
 Running SubmatrixTrait tests...
 Running RowTrait tests...
 Running RowsTrait tests...
 Running RowTrait tests...
 Running ColumnsTrait tests...
 Running BandTrait tests...
 Running DeclSymTrait tests...
 Running DeclHermTrait tests...
 Running DeclLowTrait tests...
 Running DeclUniLowTrait tests...
 Running DeclStrLowTrait tests...
 Running DeclUppTrait tests...
 Running DeclUniUppTrait tests...
 Running DeclStrUppTrait tests...
 Running DeclLowTrait tests...
 Running DeclIdTrait tests...
 Running DeclZeroTrait tests...
 Running mathematical type traits tests...
 Running DenseVector functionality tests...
 Running StaticVector tests...
 Running HybridVector tests...
 Running DynamicVector tests...
 Running CustomVector tests...
 Running UniformVector tests...
 Running InitializerVector tests...
 Running SparseVector functionality tests...
 Running CompressedVector tests...
 Running ZeroVector tests...
 Running VectorSerializer tests...
 Running DenseMatrix functionality tests...
 Running StaticMatrix tests...
 Running HybridMatrix tests...
 Running DynamicMatrix tests...
 Running CustomMatrix tests...
 Running UniformMatrix tests...
 Running InitializerMatrix tests...
 Running SparseMatrix functionality tests...
 Running CompressedMatrix tests...
 Running IdentityMatrix tests...
 Running ZeroMatrix tests...
 Running MatrixSerializer tests...
 Running SymmetricMatrix tests...
 Running HermitianMatrix tests...
 Running LowerMatrix tests...
 Running UniLowerMatrix tests...
 Running StrictlyLowerMatrix tests...
 Running UpperMatrix tests...
 Running UniUpperMatrix tests...
 Running StrictlyUpperMatrix tests...
 Running DiagonalMatrix tests...
 Running Subvector tests...
 Running Elements tests...
 Running Submatrix tests...
 Running Row tests...
 Running Rows tests...
 Running Column tests...
 Running Columns tests...
 Running Band tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector addition tests...
 Running dense vector/sparse vector addition tests...
 Running sparse vector/dense vector addition tests...
 Running sparse vector/sparse vector addition tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector subtraction tests...
 Running dense vector/sparse vector subtraction tests...
 Running sparse vector/dense vector subtraction tests...
 Running sparse vector/sparse vector subtraction tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector multiplication tests...
 Running dense vector/sparse vector multiplication tests...
 Running sparse vector/dense vector multiplication tests...
 Running sparse vector/sparse vector multiplication tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector cross product tests...
 Running dense vector/sparse vector cross product tests...
 Running sparse vector/dense vector cross product tests...
 Running sparse vector/sparse vector cross product tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector inner product tests...
 Running dense vector/sparse vector inner product tests...
 Running sparse vector/dense vector inner product tests...
 Running sparse vector/sparse vector inner product tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector outer product tests...
 Running dense vector/sparse vector outer product tests...
 Running sparse vector/dense vector outer product tests...
 Running sparse vector/sparse vector outer product tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector division tests...
 Running sparse vector/dense vector division tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector minimum tests...
 Running dense vector/dense vector maximum tests...
 Running dense vector reduction operation tests...
 Running sparse vector reduction operation tests...
 Running dense vector expansion operation tests...
 Running sparse vector expansion operation tests...
 Running dense vector repeat operation tests...
 Running sparse vector repeat operation tests...
 Running dense matrix/dense vector multiplication tests...
 Running dense matrix/sparse vector multiplication tests...
 Running sparse matrix/dense vector multiplication tests...
 Running sparse matrix/sparse vector multiplication tests...
 Running dense vector/dense matrix multiplication tests...
 Running sparse vector/dense matrix multiplication tests...
 Running dense vector/sparse matrix multiplication tests...
 Running sparse vector/sparse matrix multiplication tests...
 Running dense matrix/dense matrix addition tests...
 Running dense matrix/sparse matrix addition tests...
 Running sparse matrix/dense matrix addition tests...
 Running sparse matrix/sparse matrix addition tests...
 Running dense matrix/dense matrix subtraction tests...
 Running dense matrix/sparse matrix subtraction tests...
 Running sparse matrix/dense matrix subtraction tests...
 Running sparse matrix/sparse matrix subtraction tests...
 Running dense matrix/dense matrix Schur product tests...
 Running dense matrix/sparse matrix Schur product tests...
 Running sparse matrix/dense matrix Schur product tests...
 Running sparse matrix/sparse matrix Schur product tests...
 Running dense matrix/dense matrix multiplication tests...
 Running dense matrix/sparse matrix multiplication tests...
 Running sparse matrix/dense matrix multiplication tests...
 Running sparse matrix/sparse matrix multiplication tests...
 Running dense matrix/dense matrix minimum tests...
 Running dense matrix/dense matrix maximum tests...
 Running dense matrix total reduction operation tests...
 Running dense matrix row-wise reduction operation tests...
 Running dense matrix column-wise reduction operation tests...
 Running sparse matrix total reduction operation tests...
 Running sparse matrix row-wise reduction operation tests...
 Running sparse matrix column-wise reduction operation tests...
 Running dense matrix repeat operation tests...
 Running sparse matrix repeat operation tests...
 Running determinant tests...
 Running LU decomposition tests...
 Running LLH decomposition tests...
 Running QR decomposition tests...
 Running RQ decomposition tests...
 Running QL decomposition tests...
 Running LQ decomposition tests...
 Running inversion tests...
 Running eigenvalue/eigenvector tests...
 Running singular value tests...
 Running AlignedAllocator tests...
 Running memory tests...
 Running numeric cast tests...
 Running type traits tests...
 Running value traits tests...
[yuri@yv /usr/ports/math/blaze]$ echo $?

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Yuri!

    Thanks a lot for reporting this potential defect. In this case the run script works as expected. It is supposed to traverse all subdirectories and run all the present tests (even if it means that it doesn't run any).

    In order to build tests, you can make them by means of one of the following commands:

    make single      // Builds a single test for all the operations
    make essential   // Builds the operation tests that we consider as essential
    make default     // Builds the default set of operation tests
    make all         // Builds all operation tests

    Note that building all tests will take several days on a single core, even on a fast machine.

    Thanks again,

    Best regards,


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