Adjust Relaxed equal accuracy

Issue #417 new
Nils Deppe created an issue

Hi Klaus,

I hope things are well with you!

We were wondering if there’s a way to control the accuracy for blaze::equal<Relaxed>(a, b). A global control would work fine in our current case, but local control would be a nice feature (if it doesn’t already exist!). For example, blaze::approx_equal(a, b, tolerance) or something along those lines. Our specific use-case is blaze::approx_equal(custom_vector, 0.0, 1.0e-14);. That is, we have a vector and want to know if every element is “close” to zero by some tolerance we specify. Maybe this already exists, in which case I just couldn’t find it in the wiki/documentation.

Thank you so much and all the best!

Best wishes,


Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Nils!

    Thanks for creating this issue. I completely agree that this would be a reasonable addition to Blaze (see also issue #126). Unfortunately I’m currently not able to invest a lot of time into Blaze. However, this is only temporary. After that I’ll make sure that this feature is added.

    Best regards,


  2. Nils Deppe reporter

    Hi Klaus!

    You’re welcome and thank you so much! This is not something we need and can easily work around 🙂 We just figured it might be a nice addition to have upstream (in Blaze). Thank you so much for considering adding this to Blaze 🙂

    Best wishes,


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