Automatic BLAS CMake configuration

Issue #419 new
Amin Yahyaabadi created an issue

Hi, I wrote a CMake file that automatically configures BLAS libraries for Blaze. This includes OpenBLAS and MKL.

I have made a pull request to the Vcpkg project that adds this configuration, but I think that the Blaze project itself can benefit from this regardless of the package manager used (it also supports Conan or even no package manager).

Let me know if this is interesting to you so I can make a pull request.

Comments (2)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Amin!

    Thanks a lot for your contribution. Yes, we would be very much interested in your addition. Please feel free to make the pull request, but please give us some time for the review. Thanks again,

    Best regards,


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