Determinant of 3x3 with std::fma

Issue #425 new
Jan Gärtner created an issue

The determinant for a 3x3 matrix in blaze/math/expressions/DMatDetExpr.h can be subject to fatal floating point cancellation. An example is given here:

This could be solved by using the proposed function DifferenceOfProducts to calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix and build the determinant of a 3x3 matrix with

/*! \cond BLAZE_INTERNAL */
/*!\brief Computation of the determinant of the given dense \f$ 3 \times 3 \f$ matrix.
// \ingroup dense_matrix
// \param dm The given dense matrix.
// \return The determinant of the given matrix.
// This function computes the determinant of the given dense \f$ 3 \times 3 \f$ matrix via the
// rule of Sarrus.
template< typename MT  // Type of the dense matrix
        , bool SO >    // Storage order of the dense matrix
inline ElementType_t<MT> det3x3( const DenseMatrix<MT,SO>& dm )
   BLAZE_INTERNAL_ASSERT( (*dm).rows()    == 3UL, "Invalid number of rows detected"    );
   BLAZE_INTERNAL_ASSERT( (*dm).columns() == 3UL, "Invalid number of columns detected" );

   CompositeType_t<MT> A( *dm );

  // Here det2 is the determinant of a 2x2 matrix
    return   det2
           + A(0,2)*det2(A(1,0),A(2,1),A(1,1),A(2,0));

/*! \cond BLAZE_INTERNAL */
/*!\brief Computation of the determinant of the given dense \f$ 2 \times 2 \f$ matrix.
// \ingroup dense_matrix
// \param dm The given dense matrix.
// \return The determinant of the given matrix.
// This function computes the determinant of the given dense \f$ 2 \times 2 \f$ matrix via the
// rule of Sarrus.
template< typename MT  // Type of the dense matrix
        , bool SO >    // Storage order of the dense matrix
inline ElementType_t<MT> det2x2( const DenseMatrix<MT,SO>& dm )
   BLAZE_INTERNAL_ASSERT( (*dm).rows()    == 2UL, "Invalid number of rows detected"    );
   BLAZE_INTERNAL_ASSERT( (*dm).columns() == 2UL, "Invalid number of columns detected" );

    CompositeType_t<MT> A( *dm );

    // For a matrix of the form A = a  b
    //                              c  d
    double cb = A(1,0) * A(0,1);
    float err = std::fma(-A(1,0), A(0,1), cb);
    float dop = std::fma(A(0,0), A(1,1), -cb);
    return dop + err;

Comments (1)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Jan!

    Thank you very much for this proposal. You are correct, in order to avoid the mentioned problem, the computation of the determinant requires a rework. Your proposed solution unfortunately always assumes matrices with floating point elements. Thus we will have to adapt the code in a reasonable way. Still, this will be a very valuable addition in the next release of the Blaze library. Thanks again,

    Best regards,


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