Blaze_3.8 release has compilation issues for the benchmark tests

Issue #430 wontfix
Evgeniy Oparin created an issue
  • System settings:

gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04)

Target: x86_64-linux-gnu

  • Config file settings:
# Compiler selection
# This variable specifies the compiler used for the compilation of all benchmarks.

# Special compiler flags
# This variable specifies the compiler flags used for the compilation of all benchmarks.
CXXFLAGS="-std=c++1y -msse4"

# Special include directives
# This variable can be used to specify special/additional include-related compiler directives.

# Special library directives
# This variable can be used to specify special/additional library-related compiler directives.

  • Compilation log you can find in attachments

Comments (4)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Evgeniy!

    Thanks for taking the time to create this issue. The problem has already been fixed in issue #391, so the current master works well. However, the Blazemark is a non-essential part of Blaze, which has been deprecated since Blaze 3.5 (see the wiki). It does not represent any performance tests, but a collection of outdated performance comparisons between Blaze and other linear algebra libraries. Therefore please ignore the entire directory (or better yet: remove it).

    I hope this resolves the issue,

    Best regards,


  2. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Evgeniy!

    I have just uploaded Blaze 3.8.1, which contains the fix for the Blazemark.

    Best regards,


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